Watch your brain, no matter what.

watch your brain

Watch your brain, no matter what.
It will change everything.
Watching your brain is a game-changer.
As a life coach, I’ve learned a lot about my brain.
What it does. Why it does. How it works.
It’s fascinating to learn about, but it’s even more fascinating to put to use.
Over the past thirty days, I’ve been writing a daily blog.
Every day I watched my brain throw a tantrum about it.
“This is boring. This is stupid. You don’t know what to write.
No one is EVEN reading it so just stop already. Stop wasting your time.”
I knew my brain was, OF COURSE, going to offer this to me daily.
That’s what brains do.
BUT I had a choice to either LISTEN to my brain or TALK to my brain.
I chose to talk.
I chose to tell it I was going to do it NO.MATTER.WHAT.
Tired. Angry. Irritable. Fussing the whole way through.
It didn’t matter. I got it done. Every single day.
I did the hard. I made it happen.
Today is the last of those 30 days.
And you know what my brain is saying, “Of course you could do that. I knew you could.”
Seriously brain? You believe now I’ve done the work.
My friends, don’t trust your brain UNLESS you understand your brain.
Knowing how your brain works is the key to living your best life!
Only when you understand your brain can you put it work for you.

If you want to learn more, book an appointment by clicking here.

P.S. The best part. I got a message from a dear friend this morning telling me she’d been reading my posts and they were “really good!” Someone WAS reading.

Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

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Meet Anjanette Ludwig…

Teens are facing unprecedented academic, social, and personal challenges. Too often they feel isolated and alone in their problems. I understand how confusing and overwhelming it can be. As a mother of four and Certified Life Coach for parents and teens, I’ve discovered that connection can make ALL the difference in transforming these struggles into fuel for an amazing life.

about me

Meet Anjanette Ludwig

Teens are facing unprecedented academic, social, and personal challenges. Too often they feel isolated and alone in their problems. I understand how confusing and overwhelming it can be. As a mother of four and Certified Life Coach for parents and teens, I’ve discovered that connection can make ALL the difference in transforming these struggles into fuel for an amazing life.

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