The Thought Download.

I have a ritual.
I do it everyday.
I listen to music.
The same soundtrack.
Cider House Rules.
It speaks to me.
And then I write.
I let the pen flow.
It doesn’t stop.
I don’t think, I just write.
And I empty my brain
It helps me connect with me.
With my deepest parts.
With the parts I often forget.
That get missed during the rush of the day.
That get overlooked and pushed aside.
Because the world is loud.
It’s constant.
It starts early and it ends late.
It’s everywhere.
All around me. Asking. Taking.
But this time for me is MINE.
It’s just for me.
It brings me back to center.
It empties my mind.
I see my life on the page.
And it makes sense.
I see sentences that create my reality.
That create my “problems”.
That hold me back. That keep me stuck.
That prevent me from reaching my potential.
I look at them. And wonder. And think. And ponder.
Then I see clearly who I am. Who I can be.
Who I want to be.
I write it all down. I record it. I remember it.
And I feel complete. Whole. At peace.
Ready. Ready for what tomorrow can be.

Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

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Meet Anjanette Ludwig…

Teens are facing unprecedented academic, social, and personal challenges. Too often they feel isolated and alone in their problems. I understand how confusing and overwhelming it can be. As a mother of four and Certified Life Coach for parents and teens, I’ve discovered that connection can make ALL the difference in transforming these struggles into fuel for an amazing life.

about me

Meet Anjanette Ludwig

Teens are facing unprecedented academic, social, and personal challenges. Too often they feel isolated and alone in their problems. I understand how confusing and overwhelming it can be. As a mother of four and Certified Life Coach for parents and teens, I’ve discovered that connection can make ALL the difference in transforming these struggles into fuel for an amazing life.

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