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The H Word

Most teens like school.They go without a complaint.The social life. The friends. The activities.It all works together to create an environment they enjoy. But when

Practice makes permanent

My youngest daughter sat at the piano. For an hour. Plus. She played. I listened. She messed up. She played some more. Then she asked

It was slipping through my fingers.

Today was supposed to be an amazing day. A glorious Friday.  My girls off school. Only three things on the calendar. A day where everything


For the last two weeks, my husband has been traveling. This isn’t anything new. He’s been traveling for work for the past 6+ years. When

The 4.0

The 4.0 It’s the standard. It’s the minimum baseline for a high-achiever.It drives them to get up early and to stay up late. It drives

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Connect with your Teen!

It begins with communication. Click below to get the 5 mistakes that are keeping you from connecting with your teen!